La Jolla
So I was in Chicago last week Tuesday thru Friday, as many of you know, with a brief day trip up to Ann Arbor on Thursday. The trip was chock-a-block work and wind (essentially a wind storm all last week out there) so there wasn't much worth writing. Landed back in DC on Friday night into a monsoon.
A day and half later, I am now in San Diego. Have I mentioned to any of you before that I LOVE CALIFORNIA?
I have selected La Jolla as home base for my business trip. Why not? I wanted to select Del Mar -- my favorite place in the world -- but it was booked. Instead I'm at La Valencia in La Jolla, across the street from the beach, in a room with a balcony looking over the water. The hotel is one of those vintage art deco Hollywood

I did a little work on the flight out -- I came across three funny things in the documents I was reading.
- A read a series of multi-page memos. The first page said, "page 1 of 1." The second page said "page 2 of 2." The third page said "page 3 of 3." No wonder these people have legal problems.
- Another document reflected someone's desire that something "be started yesterday," presumably because something was urgent, maybe. The dead-pan response was "The arrow of time is unidrectional, so we cannot start this yesterday." These people are all scientists, I should add.
- The last funny thing I read was someone saying in an email, "We have the same misunderstanding you do." What do you suppose that means?
My witness interview tomorrow is up in the hills above Del Mar somewhere. The low is only going to be 54 tonight, so I'm sleeping with my ocean balcony door open.
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